Segard Masurel has been a player in the “French wool” sector for many years and until 2019 we were “only” an exporter, mainly to Asia, China and Japan.
French wool

Towards the valorisation
of the French wool industry
In 2019, following our participation in the World Shearing championship in Le Dorat (France), we realised that the sector was waiting for dynamism and the promotion of its wools.
At that time, we approached brands as well as players in the sector (breeders, shearers, traders, knitters, weavers, textile company) with whom we could promote wool but also enable us to improve its quality.
To do this, we had to make the woolgrowers aware of the shearing conditions in order to eliminate as much vegetable matter as possible, as well as other contaminated fibres such as polypropylene.
As regards sorting, we had to take the necessary steps to remove the jagged and crusty parts and keep the long parts for the combed sector.
The work is far from complete! We are still faced with pollution that hinders our objective of obtaining a clean combed sliver, just like the result we obtain with our wools from the southern hemisphere.
Nevertheless, the latest results are encouraging and motivate us to stay the course and above all to remain in contact with breeders in order to share our experience.
The creation of a charter
Our medium-term objective is to set up a charter with the farmers to enable them to take better account of wool in the breeding cycle in order to make better use of it.
Traceability and carbon footprint
The wool processing route is also one of our major concerns. We want to avoid unnecessary travel that increases the carbon footprint of our yarn.
Southern wools such as Merino d’Arles will remain in the South of France and the North of Italy for the combing/spinning part.
Northern French wool will be sent to Belgium, Tourcoing and Germany for washing, combing and spinning.
Our partners